
30 November 2007

Samaritan? Nice one!

Yesterday was a rainy day starting from 3pm until 7pm.... non-stop raining whether it is small or heavy rain. It is nothing for me because my group members and I were rushing the assignment until 5pm.

After we finish at 5pm, they sent me to LRT and I was on my way to home. When I arrived Chan Sow Lin it was still raining, although it was not heavy thus I walk back on foot with a cap to cover my head from rain ^^

On the way.... There was a malay guy coming from opposite direction, who was so nice enough to hand me an extra umbrella FILLED WITH ANTS!!! AND IT IS RED ANTS!! WTH!! Is this some kind of joke? Because my fingers was bitten while I opened the umbrella.... How could he do this to me? His hand was on the same umbrella which means he should be able to notice there were RED ANTS!!

I felt pain and I quickly threw the umbrella on the floor.... once again never take anything from a stranger!! If you wish to accept please be alert as there might be some trap like mine =_= so lame..... it is not even close to humour.

Drench in the rain was not fun anymore..... This time it's a nightmare.... You can feel it because now it is 12.44am and I am not sleeping.... Tomorrow my class starts at 8am.... Darn this guy!!

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