
15 January 2009

2008 Student Dialogue Aftermath!

Today the "fortunate" group 1, 4, 5 and 6 had given a "lecture" by Dr Wong during tutorial class because Head of Department called her today (right before tutorial class starts) that someone among the students had complaint her did not teach how the formulas are derived! Seriously we're just potential accountants do we really have to know how the formulas are derived? This student who complaint, I think he or she wants to be Mathematician and not accountant, thus I urge him or her to go study other course and take up CALCULUS!

What for you need to know how the formulas are derived? You want to prove the ancient people who made out the formulas were wrong? This student who complaint really no brain!!! Yes you heard me! NO BRAIN! Because you did not think through your friggin big brain before complain it!

The tutorial carried out not that efficient as her mood had been disrupted, for the first time she gave 2 breaks during tutorial class and ends the class 30 minutes earlier....

She is very sad about this matter because she has been stressing "we're accountants, we just borrow their formulas so we do not have to know how it is derived. Do not challenge the formulas!" I believe every AFA students(who took up AFM subject) in TARC heard this, why the student still go and complain about the "derivation". Sigh you really made the rest of the students pissed you know?!

Hope Dr Wong won't leave us in the coming March 2009 because I like her teaching style....

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day-dreamer said...

As much as I empathize the situation, sometimes you have to think from that student's perspective. It's not a sin to have the habit of learning/knowing things you want to.

Perhaps he/she should have done research personally, or approach the lecturer in private and not lodging a complaint. =X

SamSeiko said...

hmm but my lecturer get the call from head of department so its for sure someone i found out actually one group of students complain...making all the hoo-ha instead of peacefully accept the fact only 1 problem and not the theory or how formulas derived...its just she didnt teach us WHEN to use the formulas(how you know that question must use)...thats all

Johnny Ong said...

not surprised with that complain. people in yr class are studying accounts and one person from yr numbers cld be a real melancholy.

a melancholy (its a personality that can't be changed) cannot accept stuff just on the surface but in details.

SamSeiko said...

@Johnny : i hope they just shut up and get on with what we have in TARC...since the lecturers' salary isn't that great we can't really expect high quality....