
13 February 2009

What does Quantity (Number) of Flowers Signify?

Abstracted from the movie of 戀情告急 (Love on The Rocks).... Telling you the 12 number or quantity of flowers meaning.

Well you guys know that Valentine's Day is tomorrow 14 of February, and everyone is preparing themselves... A lot of florists or salesman will try their luck in tricking couple to buy a lot of flowers (can't blame them for earning profit right?), unfortunately some of the couples had no idea the number of flowers meaning so they walk into the scam.

Many people knows that 99 Roses means "Love you till I die" and 100 roses means "Devoted to you" and 101 means "Would you marry me?"

But what about the numbers before 99? Although I cannot provide you the numbers after 12 until 98 but I believe with the 12 numbers of flowers you can show the meaning to your love one during Valentine's Day....

Meaning of 12 number of flowers.
1 stem of flower = Only One
2 stems = A world of Two People
3 stems = I Love You
4 stems = Undying Promise
5 Stems = No Regrets
6 Stems = Happiness and Satisfaction
7 Stems = Endless Good Wishes
8 Stems = Please Forgive Me
9 Stems = Eternity
10 Stems = You're Perfect / Perfection
11 Stems = One Heart, One Mind
12 Stems = Heart to Heart

There you go the 12 numbers.

UPdates for female( Good Sign During Valentine ), it's just a belief not accurate =>
If a Robin bird flew above your head during Valentine's Day, it said you will marry a sailor.
If a Sparrow flew above your head during Valentine's Day, it said you will marry a nice person.
Lastly a Goldfinch bird flew above your head during Valentine's Day, it is said you will marry a rich person...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all my friends and readers
For those who are singles, I bid you good luck, hope CUPID will shoot one arrow out and he or she is the RIGHT companion. At least hope the CUPID is not lazy or DEAD!!!

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Johnny Ong said...

not all girls are crazy to have their guys giving them 99 stalks. it will burn a big hole in the pocket. might as well save the money and go for a good romantic dinner

SamSeiko said...

Johnny talks from experience eh? Well you can't left 1 fake rose right? At least you know what it means if you give one rose and explain to her ^_^ Yeah don't have to be 99 therefore below 12 quantities...

day-dreamer said...

Heard of people giving 999 roses too... @.@

Happy V Day~

SamSeiko said...

haha DD, yeah 999 and 1001 but don't have to go so far yet :P

Happy Valentine's Day