
26 March 2007

"Grad not wanted as a cop"

Sad to say about this. But if you read the Sun newspaper, you should know about this by now. Ok for those who didn't read about this please read it here as I rewrite the whole article from The Sun newspaper.

A 27-YEAR-OLD degree holder has given up hope of ever becoming a "man in blue" as the police force has rejected his application for the third time.

According to a report in Sin Chew Daily, Tunku Abdul Rahman(TAR) College graduate Soo Pak Leong had twice applied to become a cadet assistant superintendent (ASP) since 2003 but was unsuccessful.

Last Year, he applied for the post of inspector but was also rejected.

Soo, who obtained an engineering degree from Campbell University, USA, after completing a three-year diploma programme in TAR College in 2003, found that he as rejected because the Public Services Department does not recognise TAR College diplomas.

This also means TARC College graduates cannot join the civil service using their hard-earned diplomas, Soo told a press conference arranged by the DAP in Petaling Jaya on Saturday.

Soo Said he has contracted PSD, as well as sent e-mails to the prime minister and all MCA ministers but none seemed to be able to help.

"TAR College students are mainly Chinese. If the government does not recognise their diploma, what is the use of having campaigns to encourage more people(Chinese) to join the police force?" he asked.

Above was taken from The Sun newspaper.

Yes I believe this is a very shocking news for TAR College students!! So tell me what is the use of studying degree in TAR College? Please do spread the news!


_butt said...

omg! serious?

but maybe his degree is not much relevant to what he apply for as a job?

SamSeiko said...

You sure? If u read it, then you should notice that he is a graduate from USA engineering degree!

But that is a problem if you wish to join civil service, for you i do not think you want =P

Anonymous said...

In that case, I rather joined NGOs instead XD

Anonymous said...

no need degree wutt.. kakaka

SamSeiko said...

HAHA!! yeah NGO, i believe it is a much better pay than the GO =D

Anonymous said...

As long a degree MUST recognized by puplic service department (JPA) then only meet the basic requirement for PDRM recruitment. As i know all government servant salary is under JPA responsibility.

For example, if one company basic requirement for some vacancy is MUST have degree recognized by JPA, then if you don't have these degree then sure you are not in sort listed rite?