
23 March 2007

Windows Vista

Just in case you all did not know about this windows. I would like to make some review on it. The features are superb, but it makes the computer lag than before unless you have 2GB of RAM in your CPU although they stated that you only need 1GB as a minimum requirement.

I, myself is having a 1GB RAM in my CPU, and I feel lag, it is not as smooth as the Windows XP i used. Well the Microsoft come out with a new software which is call Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor, helps you to identify whether your computer(CPU) is suitable to run the Windows Vista. I personally do not use it because I just wanted to try it so I can do a review regardless of what the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor told me. Well that's just me hahaa

The sounds of starting the windows is much more nicer than before which is long-winded. Vista do not have long-winded sounds. We can have a sidebar in our desktop. Here is the picture ----------------->>

Unbelievable isn't it? That icon or they call it Gadgets. And they even have this feature like a thumbnail :
Nice eh? You do not have to click on the program anymore as you can see the progress from the thumbnail. New types of toolbar and new kind of start menu!

PS : Just found out a new "bug" that is the sidebar media player won't play the music files that contain CHINESE name..... e.g. 黄金甲 the media file could not read it, but if I changed it into Huang Huang. VUALA!!! The magic is on and the media player can read the file DESPITE that I had install Asian Language into my Windows..

All Rights Reserved to Microsoft 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weh! why you reveal my msn ah!!