
22 May 2009

Friend Requests on Facebook FAQ

Can We Check Friend Requests on Facebook?

Well you can't actually... Unless you keep a list of those facbeook profile you have made "friend request" otherwise you won't be able to check the list of facebook users that you had requested. But you will be able to know whether the facebook user had accepted your request or not as it will have :-
#"Awaiting Friend Confirmation." = when you have not response to the friend request or
#"Friend Requested." = when you have requested and the user had not response.

Can we view the user profile if he/she had made a friend request on me?

Yes we can view the user profile, once the user tried to add us as friend (Awaiting Friend Confirmation).
They can also view our profile when we try to add the user as friend (Friend Requested).

Just so you know, the friend request can last FOREVER if they don't response....
It's ok because now we can CANCEL the friend request on facebook!

IF you find this information useful please share with others. Thank You.
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